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Thursday, September 3, 2020
Learn About Molecular and Empirical Formulas
Find out About Molecular and Empirical Formulas The sub-atomic equation is a statement of the number and sort of iotas that are available in a solitary particle of a substance. It speaks to the real recipe of an atom. Addendums after component images speak to the quantity of iotas. On the off chance that there is no addendum, it implies one particle is available in the compound. The exact equation is otherwise called the easiest recipe. The exact recipe is the proportion of components present in the compound. The addendums in the recipe are the quantities of molecules, prompting an entire number proportion between them. Instances of Molecular and Empirical Formulas The atomic equation of glucose is C6H12O6. One particle of glucose contains 6 molecules of carbon, 12 iotas of hydrogen and 6 molecules of oxygen. In the event that you can isolate the entirety of the numbers in aâ molecular equation by some incentive to rearrange them further, at that point the exact or straightforward recipe will be not quite the same as the sub-atomic equation. The observational recipe for glucose is CH2O. Glucose has 2 moles of hydrogen for each mole of carbon and oxygen. The recipes for water and hydrogen peroxide are: Water Molecular Formula: H2OWater Empirical Formula: H2OHydrogen Peroxide Molecular Formula: H2O2Hydrogen Peroxide Empirical Formula: HO On account of water, the atomic equation and experimental recipe are the equivalent. Finding Empirical and Molecular Formula from Percent Composition Percent (%) organization (component mass/compound mass) X 100 On the off chance that you are given the percentâ composition of a compound, here are the means for finding the exact equation: Expect you have a 100 gramsâ sample. This makes the figuring basic on the grounds that the rates will be equivalent to the quantity of grams. For instance, on the off chance that 40% of the mass of a compound is oxygen, at that point you ascertain you have 40 grams of oxygen.Convert grams to moles. Observational recipe is a correlation of the quantity of moles of a compound so you need your qualities in moles. Utilizing the oxygen model once more, there are 16.0 grams per mole of oxygen so 40 grams of oxygen would be 40/16 2.5 moles of oxygen.Compare the quantity of moles of every component to the most modest number of moles you got and separate by the littlest number.Round your proportion of moles to the closest entire number as long as it is near an entire number. As it were, you can gather 1.992 together to 2, however you cant round 1.33 to 1. Youll need to perceive basic proportions, for example, 1.333 being 4/3. For certain intensifies, the most reduced number of particles of a component probably won't be 1! In the event that the most minimal number of moles is four-thirds, you should increase all proportions by 3 to dispose of the division. Compose the exact recipe of the compound. The proportion numbers are addendums for the components. Finding the atomic recipe is just conceivable on the off chance that you are given the molar mass of the compound. At the point when you have the molar mass you can discover the proportion of the real mass of the compound to the experimental mass. On the off chance that the proportion is one (similarly as with water, H2O), at that point the exact equation and sub-atomic recipe are the equivalent. In the event that the proportion is 2 (similarly as with hydrogen peroxide, H2O2), at that point duplicate the addendums of the experimental equation by 2 to get the right atomic recipe. two.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Man Vs Machine Essay Topics - Can You Be Excited About Writing One?
Man Vs Machine Essay Topics - Can You Be Excited About Writing One?Most candidates do not expect to be essay writers because they are intimidated by the idea of writing and expect to be an expert on a subject they are not. On the other hand, writing a man vs machine essay topic is something that can make you a successful writer and an author who will write on a variety of subjects that will interest a wide range of readers.Man vs machine essay topics are an excellent way to get students who are interested in writing to take on one of the most difficult subjects they are likely to tackle in school. Writing in this format is a lot like writing a normal essay, but instead of filling in the correct amount of spaces with facts and information, the main point of the essay will be based on a debate between a man and a machine. The machine will argue the merits of its own existence, while the man will come to the conclusion that it does not exist.In addition to the fact that these essay topi cs can help a student improve his or her writing skills, these short essays can also be very fun to write. It may be the first time that the student will try to write a good debate because they will have never tried it before. They will be able to use this opportunity to practice their skills and become better essay writers. The interesting factor about the topic is that it is both entertaining and informative at the same time.Man vs machine essay topics also present the problem of introducing subjects that many students do not like to read about. If they were already familiar with topics such as intelligent machines and computers, they will be likely to be interested in writing about a man vs machine debate. This makes the essays easier to write because there are no real surprises to the reader. Students will find it easier to simply accept the premise that the man does not exist, even if they find the argument interesting.The fact that this format of essay topics can be used for m any subjects makes it possible for all kinds of students to use the format. No matter what type of student you are, it is possible for you to write a man vs machine essay topic that will be interesting to read because it will be different from anything you have ever written. As long as you are able to be imaginative, and do not limit yourself to one topic, you will be able to write a unique essay that is memorable.Man vs machine essay topics are also a great way to increase your sales. Students who have never written anything like this before will find it easy to convince their teacher to let them write an essay based on this format. Since sales do not usually come from hard-to-read essays, students will have a lot of fun working with the assignment and will end up having a lot of fun reading the work. Most students will be eager to use the material for personal projects and will find that it increases their sales even more.Man vs machine essay topics can be written using a variety of different styles. Many students who are beginning to write essays have trouble coming up with a good style for the assignment and some instructors may make the assignment harder to write because of this. However, since these essays have become so popular, instructors have developed many different ways to teach students how to write this format.This means that you can spend more time writing the essay than trying to come up with a unique style and can therefore try more different styles to get better results. Writing an essay based on a man vs machine debate is a good way to work on skills that will help a student become a successful writer.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Romeo And Juliet-Comparison Essay Essays - , Term Papers
Romeo And Juliet-Comparison Essay Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet deciphered by Zeffirelli are two renditions of an exemplary story of two youthful sweethearts. In perusing Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and survey Zeffirelli's Romeo and Juliet one gets mindful of numerous contrasts between them. Despite the fact that the fundamental storyline continues as before, the distinctions are self-evident. These distinctions can be found in the setting, characters and their addresses, and the zenith of the story. These contrasts between the forms produce two altogether various translations of the story. Zeffirelli changed the story by changing significant scene by utilization of discarding characters or exchanging the request for the occasions. For instance in Act V, when the Prince gave his last discourse, Friar Laurence should be available to give his own admission, yet was forgotten about by Zeffirelli's rendition. This left the clarification of why the darling's were really dead for the watchers to address. Shakespeare had Montague raise a sculpture in Juliet's respect, meaning the finish of their quarrel. Zeffirelli, then again, picked uniquely to show the two rulers together creation for a more vulnerable end. The oversight of characters from significant scene was not by any means the only change noted between the two. Zeffirelli additionally took wonderful permit in the making of Romeo and Juliet. He gave his lines to characters when in Shakespeare they were spoken by another. This was appeared during the gathering scene, Act I, scene V when Lord Capulet was to reproach Tybalt and call him?.......saucy boy.........? The line was rather given to Lady Capulet. This trade of lines between the characters doesn't generally help in the comprehension of the story. The utilization of adding lines to characters made various characters and gave the characters more noteworthy knowledge than in Shakespeare's rendition. It included understanding the character's thought processes more. Zeffirelli additionally had some positive contrasts than that of Shakespeare. Since the setting was in a similar timespan as Shakespeare's version the peruser could envision the earth and dress of the period. This made the characters and story more life-like than attempting to picture it from a composed page. Zeffirelli additionally ?fleshed-out? the characters, giving them more profundity and feeling than in Romeo and Juliet. This is indicated when the medical attendant goes to Juliet and discovers her ?dead.? She comes up short on Juliet's chamber shouting and thrashing her arms in a free for all. The crowd had the option to connect with the characters and their feelings by observing Romeo and Juliet outwardly, additionally making the language increasingly justifiable. A case of this is when Romeo executes himself and Juliet sees him, hears watchmen, and you can see Juliet wild eyed. Accordingly, the scene is made increasingly complete, making the crowd experience more prominent pr essure than perusing the play. Despite the fact that Zeffirelli gave more definition to certain characters, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet was progressively charming. In spite of the fact that he didn't give as much data concerning what was going on, he permitted the peruser more opportunity to decipher the circumstances all alone. Without the peruser having readShakespeare's Romeo and Juliet the vast majority of the imagery in Zeffirelli's adaptation would not have been comprehended. The two unique creators utilized an assortment of procedures to change the story or to have the crowd comprehend the siuations. Despite the fact that they may appear to be changed now and again, the storyline never shows signs of change, it generally stays around two youthful darlings who heartbreakingly bite the dust because of quick judgment calls.
Monday, June 8, 2020
Imitation the Greatest Form of Learning
 It was an average weekday morning. I was preparing to leave for work, when my niece of just under two years old came scampering into my room full of her morning energy. She stopped in her tracks when she noticed the various makeup supplies found on my dresser. Of course, I always seize an opportunity to score some â€Å"auntie points,†so I handed her a spare brush and an empty foundation canister. Shortly after receiving the requested items, she made her way to a mirror and immediately started trying to apply foundation to her small cheeks as she has often watched her mom and I do. The grip of the brush was new to her hand, and this meant the movement was a bit awkward. Thinking about holding the brush and the foundation at the same time and keeping the foundation level was challenging for her; the idea of putting it on her face and not on her lips was a bit preposterous. I watched and laughed before I came to a realization: She was solidifying a notion I have heard since I have started working at IEW. â€Å"Model and imitation†resounds within the walls of the IEW offices and classrooms. It is echoed in our podcasts, repeated in articles, and communicated in phone calls. This idea seems to be pretty logical in most areas of life. If you want your child to learn to talk, you talk to them. If you want them to treat people well, you treat people with respect. If you want them to learn how to write their own music, you first give them written music to learn from. Makes sense, right? If so, then why do we expect our students to succeed in writing by giving them a blank piece of paper and a command to write something newâ€â€something no one has thought of before? The command to be unique is daunting enough to any adult with a brain filled with life’s experiences. But, ask this of a child who has so little knowledge to pull from, and the task immediately becomes as scary and unconquerable as the monsters they imagine under their bedsâ€â€unknown, larger than life, and intimidating. But to get rid of the monsters hiding with the cobwebs, one simply has to turn on a flashlight to see these fears dissipate. The writing equivalent to the flashlight is taking away the blank page of unknowns and providing tools to help plan and execute the adventure of learning to write. The system of model and imitation works for the very foundational skills of learning how to speak, so there is no need to try to find a new approach when it comes to writing. That is why IEW does not begin teaching writing by slipping a giant white piece of paper in front of a fourth grader (or even an eleventh grader) with an ambiguous prompt about how their summer vacation went. Instead, it starts by giving them exactly what to write about: sentence by sentence, fact by fact, question by question. Students are first taught the how to write before the what to write. Of course, the system of writing is modeled continually by the teacher. From the very beginning of the process to the end product, we believe there is no such thing as too much help. Ever. My niece's grip on the brush was awkward and out of place. My writing students’ papers at the beginning of this year had awkward sentences and poorly chosen -ly adverbs. The makeup was new to one, the words were unfamiliar to the others, but this is natural. It is normal. Doing anything the first time (or the fifteenth time!) might just not be as well done as a person who has already mastered the art, but it is in the process that it smooths out. It is in the continuous study and practice of the art that it becomes second nature. It’s true: imitation is the greatest form of learningâ€â€it is the greatest process to achieving the perfect product.  Michelle Robinson started out working in Production and as a marketing assistant, but now enjoys working with the Customer Service Department. Having been homeschooled her whole life, Michelle had the opportunity to compete in a homeschool speech and debate league. Because she is a Latin scholar, Michelle has been asked to teach that subject to the local homeschooling community. Michelle is passionate about photography, her friends, and her faith. Log in or register to post commentsMichelle Robinsons blog Log in or register to post comments
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Inside Out By Pete Docter And Ronnie Del Carmen Essay
The mind is a universal mystery that will forever be an ongoing adventure. For centuries, scientists have been baffled by the complexity of human thoughts and the functions of the brain. As scientists begin to focus on children and the complexity of a child’s growing mind, the world is able to watch not only the child grow, but also the brain grow as well. In Inside Out, Pete Docter and Ronnie del Carmen exemplify multiple physiological development theories and concepts in a young girl by the name of Riley who moves from a small hockey town in Minnesota to the big city of San Francisco. From start to finish, the audience watches Riley grow from a newborn baby into a blossoming twelve year old girl. One of the first developmental processes that appears is the aspect of easy temperament (256). Riley is a joyous little girl who promotes an excited and positive attitude quite constantly. The first portrayal of anger comes at the dinner table, but it is quickly deterred by a quick airplane technique that grasp the attention of the young toddler. The positive outlook and generally cheerful attitude is a slight but insightful indicator of an easy temperament child (256). Her entire disposition throughout the entire film stays majoritily positive. As we will later see in the upcoming paragraphs, proper parenting and emotional responses help lead to the easy and positive temperament of Riley. Moreover, a child is entered into this world without any expectation of what its future
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Literacies in Context - 1512 Words
EDEE 400 – Assignment 1 Literacy in schools today not only involves teaching students to read and write, but is also heavily focused on giving students the necessary vocabulary and skills to understand different text types according to the key learning areas (KLAs) they are undertaking. While traditional ideas of literacy often ignored the diverse needs of students, contemporary notions of literacy are constantly evolving in response to changes in situational†¦show more content†¦Language systems develop in order to meet the needs of a particular culture. In meeting the needs of a culture, text can be identified into a genre Adam Singer - †203149600 EDEE 400 – Assignment 1 (Derewianka Jones, 2012, p.8). Economic texts types (genre) used in schools are often in the form of information reports, explanations or arguments. Teachers and students use what is known as a ‘metalanguage’ around these certain text types. ‘Metalanguage’ creates a shared language for talking about text types and becomes a necessary tool for when students move on to new registers (Derewianka Jones, 2012, p.8). Whilst it is important for students to have a strong grasp of terms, concepts and relationships in order to answer the multiple choice andShow MoreRelated Educational Literacy in the Context of Environmental Ethics Essay examples3584 Words  | 15 PagesEducational Literacy in the Context of Environmental Ethics ABSTRACT: I explore the concept of literacy and the role it might play in environmental ethics. One of the goals of environmental ethics is to describe and contribute to the creation of an ecologically responsible culture. The creation of such a culture requires the development of knowledge and abilities that will help sustain such a culture. 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Corporate value capture and dysfunctional economic †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Corporate value capture and dysfunctional economic. Answer: A mission statement characterizes what an organization is by nature, and the reason it exists. The mission statement ought to characterize who the essential clients are, recognize the products or services delivered, and depict the area of work. Facebook- Give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together[1]. Walmart- We save people money so they can live better. Google- Toorganize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful. Among the above three mission statements the statement which I find to be the best and most effective is the Facebooks mission statement. This is because the statement not only includes the scope of work for Facebook but also states the responsibilities it wishes to perform. The mission statement states that the main objective of the company is to empower people of sharing what they want and building communities, that is the scope and responsibility of the company. In the next part the mission statement declares its objective of bringing the world closer together. This is the larger objective of the company which also expresses its value and culture. The chosen company in this case is Apple Inc. which is one of the leading technology company of the world. Threat of new entrants- This threat is moderate in the case of Apple Inc. There is less chance of new players to come in due to high requirement of capital and high brand development cost. Rivalry among existing firms- There are many competitors who are aggressively trying to capture the market. Samsung, Sony, Motorola and other brands are using every opportunity to compete. Threat of substitute products/services- This threat is not very high because the products which are available are not qualitatively as superior as Apple. Apple uses very advanced technology and high quality hardware[2]. Bargaining power of buyers- The bargaining power of the buyers in the case of technological devices is quite high, because customers have the option to change the brand whenever they wish to. Bargaining power of suppliers- Apples suppliers do not have much clout in influencing the decision making of the organization, as there are plenty of options for Apple. There are plenty of big suppliers willing to work for Apple. Relative power of other stakeholders- The Government of the countries where Apple operates have significant impact on the company through its law enforcement bodies. Communities and interest groups also exert influence. References: "Facebook Has A New Mission Statement: 'To Bring The World Closer Together'".Business Insider, 2018. Lehman, Glen, and Colin Haslam. "Accounting for the Apple Inc business model: Corporate value capture and dysfunctional economic and social consequences." InAccounting Forum, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 245-248. Elsevier, 2013. [1], "Facebook Has A New Mission Statement: 'To Bring The World Closer Together'",Business Insider, 2018, [2] Lehman, Glen, and Colin Haslam. "Accounting for the Apple Inc business model: Corporate value capture and dysfunctional economic and social consequences." InAccounting Forum, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 245-248. Elsevier, 2013.
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